When a part of the gum gradually wears away, the root of the tooth gets exposed. This can have a deteriorating effect on the tooth and the whole oral health.

Tissue Grafts

Tissue graft procedures are available to stop further dental problems and/or gum recession. Exposed tooth roots are the result of gum recession. Your gums may have receded for a variety of reasons, including but not limited to aggressive or excessive tooth brushing, trauma to gum tissues, clenching or grinding, post-orthodontics and/or periodontal disease.

You may not be aware of what caused the recession, but prior to treatment Dr. Salha can help you identify the factors contributing to the problem. Once these contributing factors are controlled, a soft tissue graft procedure will stop and help to prevent additional recession and bone loss.

Soft tissue grafts are used to cover roots where excessive gingival recession are present. During this procedure, Dr. Salha takes gum tissue from your palate or another donor source to cover the exposed root. This can be done for one tooth or several teeth depending on the severity of the recession. A soft tissue graft can reduce further recession and bone loss. In some cases, it can cover exposed roots to protect them from decay and/or may also reduce tooth sensitivity.

Why should you care



gum pain and tooth sensitivity


spaces will start to show between your teeth and allow food impaction


teeth will look longer which may affect your smile
cracked tooth


will expose the teeth to more decay and breakdown

An Important First Step

Gum disease is primarily caused by bacterial plaque, a thin film of food remnants and bacteria that builds up on tooth surfaces when oral hygiene is inadequate or inefficient. The inflammation becomes chronic and damages the surrounding gum and bone tissues. 

A gum graft is necessary to protect your teeth from the damaging effects of gum recession and to improve the appearance of your smile. Gum recession leaves your teeth susceptible to developing plaque and cavities in the tooth’s root, a problem that a simple filling is unlikely to correct effectively. Gum recession is also a sign that you are losing tooth-supporting bone beneath the surface.

If one of your teeth appears longer than normal or if you can see the tooth root, gum grafting may be the solution you need. To learn more, please contact us today.

placing a new tissue to the gum area with a little tissue


Strengthens and stabilizes the gum covering the tooth
Protects the tooth against recession
Decreases sensitivity in teeth with recession by covering the root with new gum
May help restoring an attractive smile
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