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Gum Grafting in Houston, TX

Gum grafting is a periodontal procedure designed to address gum recession, where the gum tissue wears away, exposing the tooth roots and potentially leading to sensitivity, decay, or aesthetic concerns. During the procedure, the periodontist in Houston, Texas, takes a small section of gum tissue from another area of the patient's mouth (or uses donor tissue) and transplants it to the area of recession. This grafted tissue integrates with the existing gums, helping to restore a healthy gum line, protect tooth roots, and improve both function and appearance. Gum grafting is crucial for halting further recession, preventing further damage, and enhancing oral health. 

Who Can Benefit From Gum Grafting

  • Patients experiencing receding gums, where the gum tissue has pulled away from the teeth, exposing the roots
  • Those suffering from heightened sensitivity to hot, cold, or acidic foods and beverages due to exposed tooth roots
  • Individuals whose exposed roots are more susceptible to decay and need protective coverage
  • Patients who are self-conscious about their smile due to uneven gum lines or long-looking teeth caused by gum recession
  • Those who have receding gums due to improper brushing techniques
  • Patients who are genetically predisposed to having thin gums that are prone to recession
  • Individuals whose crooked teeth or abnormal bite patterns have contributed to gum recession
  • Those who need adequate gum tissue to support and enhance the aesthetic outcome of dental implants
  • Those who have experienced gum tissue loss due to advanced periodontal disease
  • Individuals who are about to undergo orthodontic procedures. To maintain gum health, individuals must ensure stable and healthy gums during and after orthodontic procedures.  

Why Is Gum Grafting Necessary? 

Preventing Further Gum Recession 

Gum recession occurs when the gum tissue surrounding the teeth wears away or pulls back, exposing more of the tooth or its root. This condition can lead to further gum loss if not addressed. Gum grafting helps to cover the exposed areas and protect the remaining gum tissue, thereby preventing additional recession and ensuring long-term oral health. 

Reducing Tooth Sensitivity 

Exposed tooth roots from gum recession can cause heightened sensitivity to hot, cold, or acidic foods and beverages. The exposed root surfaces lack the protective enamel on the rest of the tooth, making them more vulnerable to temperature changes. Gum grafting restores the gum line, covering the exposed roots and reducing sensitivity. 

Protecting Against Tooth Decay 

When the tooth roots are exposed, they are more susceptible to decay because they lack the protective enamel that covers the rest of the tooth. The roots are also more porous, making them more prone to bacterial invasion and decay. Covering the exposed roots with healthy gum tissue through grafting significantly reduces the risk of decay. Contact us today to learn more.

Improving Aesthetic Appearance 

Gum recession can affect the overall appearance of a smile, causing a less balanced and less aesthetically pleasing look. The visible roots can make the teeth appear longer and uneven. Gum grafting helps restore a more natural and harmonious gum line, enhancing the smile's visual appeal and boosting the patient's confidence. 

Enhancing Oral Function 

Gum recession can impact the functional aspects of oral health, such as chewing and biting. Exposed roots can make chewing uncomfortable and affect the alignment of the teeth. Restoring the gum tissue through grafting helps improve chewing function and contributes to a more comfortable and functional bite. 

Preventing Bone Loss 

Gum recession can lead to bone loss around the teeth as the supporting structures become compromised. Over time, this can result in tooth instability and potential tooth loss. Gum grafting helps to preserve the gum tissue and, indirectly, the underlying bone structure, contributing to the overall stability and health of the teeth. 

Addressing Cosmetic Concerns 

For many patients, the aesthetic impact of gum recession can be significant. Uneven or receding gums can affect self-esteem and overall satisfaction with one's appearance. Gum grafting in Houston, Texas, can be a solution that creates a more even and aesthetically pleasing gum line, improving the smile's function and appearance.

Supporting Future Dental Work 

Healthy gum tissue is essential for successful outcomes in patients undergoing restorative dental treatments, such as implants or crowns. Gum grafting can create a stable and healthy foundation, ensuring these restorative procedures have the best chance of success and longevity. 

The Procedure of Gum Grafting 

Gum grafting is a surgical procedure aimed at restoring receded gum tissue and improving the health and aesthetics of the gums. The process begins with a thorough evaluation by our periodontist, who will determine the extent of gum recession and the most suitable type of grafting technique for the patient's specific needs. On the day of the procedure, the patient is typically administered local anesthesia to numb the treatment area, ensuring a pain-free experience. In some cases, sedation may be used to help the patient relax. 

There are several types of gum grafts, each tailored to different conditions. The most common type is the connective tissue graft, where a flap of skin is cut at the roof of the mouth (palate), and tissue from under the flap is removed and stitched to the gum tissue surrounding the exposed root. Another type is the free gingival graft, which involves taking a small piece of tissue directly from the roof of the mouth and attaching it to the affected area. Sometimes, a pedicle graft may be used, where tissue from the gum near the tooth requiring treatment is partially cut, allowing it to be stretched over the exposed root and sewn into place. After the graft is positioned, the periodontist will suture the grafted tissue and provide postoperative care instructions to ensure proper healing. The recovery process involves careful monitoring and follow-up visits to check the graft's integration and overall gum health.

Gum grafting is a highly effective procedure for addressing gum recession and improving the health and appearance of your smile. Visit Galleria Perio & Implants at 5858 Westheimer, Suite 820, Houston, Texas 77057, United States, or call 713-784-6065 to schedule a consultation and learn more about how gum grafting can benefit you. 

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Galleria Perio & Implants

5858 Westheimer, Suite 820,
Houston, TX 77057

(713) 784-6065

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  • Monday:   7:30 am - 3:30 pm
  • Tuesday:   7:30 am - 3:30 pm
  • Wednesday:   7:30 am - 3:30 pm
  • Thursday:   7:30 am - 3:30 pm
  • Friday:   7:30 am - 11:30 am
  • Saturday:   Closed
  • Sunday:   Closed